Synthetic Ice Hockey Training Surface

The Synthetic Ice Hockey Training Surface is perfect for hockey training of all types.  It is just like skating on ice except there is about 30% more resistance.  It is great for:

  • Shooting instruction & practice
  • Passing instruction & practice
  • Stick handling drills
  • Form skating
  • Positioning
  • Goalie training
  • Great for private lessons or groups up to 6 students
  • Much more
Student training on synthetic ice surface.
Group of students hockey practice on synthetic ice.

Main Benefits:

  • Correct body position & muscle memory - You are in your skates so that your body position and height are the same as they are on the ice. The muscle memory and body position you practice on the synthetic ice are the same as on the ice during a game.
  • Evening and weekend availability - The synthetic ice at Rocket is available year round. During the busy fall and winter hockey season, it is available for lessons in the evenings and on the weekends when it is otherwise impossible to get on the ice.
  • Classroom Environment – Private lesson coaches enjoy the synthetic ice because it is quiet and productive. Students can hear and pay attention to detailed instructions on how to improve without the noise and distractions that occur on the full ice rink.
  • Increased Strength & Endurance – The extra resistance of synthetic ice helps players develop stronger skating muscles, improving speed and stamina when they transition back to real ice.
    Repetitive Skill Development – Since the surface slows movements slightly, players have more control for refining stickhandling, shooting accuracy, and passing techniques.
    No Ice Time Restrictions – Unlike traditional ice sessions that are often limited and expensive, synthetic ice allows for more frequent, flexible training at a lower cost.
    Safe & Controlled Training – With fewer skaters on the surface at a time, players can focus on skills without worrying about collisions or fast-paced gameplay distractions.
  • Improved Edge Control – The increased resistance helps skaters develop better edge work, making turns, stops, and transitions more precise on real ice.
  • Better Puck Handling Under Pressure – The slightly slower surface forces players to refine their stickhandling control, making movements feel quicker and sharper during games.
  • Ideal for Goalie Training – Goalies can work on lateral movements, positioning, and reaction time in a controlled environment without the wear and tear of traditional ice.

Cost: $7.50 per student per half hour. Sign in and pay at the guest services desk before your session begins.

Coaches – No charge

Important Notes:

  • A coach must be with the student the entire time
  • Full equipment & skates are required
  • Coaches must wear skates and a helmet

The Synthetic Ice at Rocket is available Monday-Friday 4:30 pm – 9:00 pm; Saturday and Sundays 7:00 am to 9:00 pm.  Email us at to reserve your date and time in half hour increments.  Payment is made when you arrive at the rink for your session.  Please be sure to call 630-679-1700 or stop by the Guest Services desk if you have any other questions.

Students training on synthetic ice.
"Rocket Ice- We are having a blast on Wednesday evenings and your staff has been great to us, we really appreciate it... It really is refreshing to interact with people who really have outstanding customer service."